Note: This has become a rather technical essay, in which I juggle a lot with equations and units. As such, it doesn’t quite meet the general readability standards of the other pages on this site. However, I have tried hard to keep things as straightforward as possible, and I do think the content is worthwhile…
Category: Essays

Sensor Formats: Does Size Matter?
For the last couple of decades before the rise of digital photography, for the overwhelming majority of photographers, the choice of which format to use was easy: 35mm film. The larger formats were a niche market for the wealthy or especially demanding photographers, and on the other side of the spectrum, APS never gained much…

The Scene-Referred Workflow – a Proposal
Many photographers claim that they want their photographs to look as realistic as possible. Taken literally, this implies a scene-referred image (explained in more detail below). Unfortunately, scene-referred images tend to look washed out and dark on displays and print, due to differences in contrast range and brightness. Hence, scene-referred images are commonly dismissed as no more…

Color Reproduction in Digital Photography
This is the original essay on color reproduction and a color-preserving workflow, which was published on 6 October 2005. It is currently severely overdue for an update, so it’s only reachable by direct links. I hope to replace it with an up to date version some time in the near future. Read and use at…